Художественная литература в Керчи

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Втрачений символ - Ден Браун
Роберта Ленґдона, символознавця з Гарварду, терміново запрошують прочитати лекцію в будинку Капітолія у Вашинґтоні. ...
200 грн./шт.В наличии
Ганс Крістіан Андерсен. Казки. Улюблені автори
Гидке каченя. Дюймовочка. Дикі лебеді. Русалонька. Принцеса на горошині. Нове вбрання короля. Свинопас. Снігова королева. Непохитний олов'яний солдати
100 грн./шт.В наличии
The Black Widow : The Life and Crimes of Linda Calvey
Linda Calvey has been married four times, and all four times she has ended up a widow.
120 грн./шт.В наличии
Los diez magníficos - Anna Cerasoli
Los diez magníficos: Un niño en el mundo de las matemáticas
70 грн./шт.В наличии
Krokodyl Maks na Czekoladowej Wyspie - Katarzyna Terlecka
Przesympatyczny krokodyl Maks był kiedyś najmniejszym krokodylem świata. Dlaczego? Bo jadł tylko czekoladę. Jednak po wyprawie na Czekoladową Wyspę,
55 грн./шт.В наличии
Anarchy by Megan DeVos
The world is different now.There are no rules, no governments and no guarantees that you will be saved . . .Rival factions have taken over, ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline
Goodreads Choice Award в номинации «Художественная литература» Nominee for Readers' Favorite Fiction (2013)
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Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell
Elizabeth Gaskell's portrait of kindness, compassion, and hope
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Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
"Il y a peu de femmes que, de tête au moins, je n'aie déshabillées jusqu'au talon. J'ai travaillé la chair en artiste et je la connais. ...
120 грн./шт.В наличии
The Penguin Book of English Verse by John Hayward
Spanning four golden centuries of poetry in the English language. This classic Penguin anthology opens with Wyatt, Spenser and Shakespeare and ...
120 грн./шт.В наличии
Memorial Day by Vince Flynn
Fighting terrorism on foreign ground, CIA superagent Mitch Rapp does whatever it takes to protect American freedom.
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The Killing Ground by Jack Higgins
The master of suspense returns, with a chilling novel of modern terrorism and revenge.
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Bad Company by Jack Higgins
Never have the stakes been higher than in his new novel.
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Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James
Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Best Romance (2011)
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The Red Room by Nicci French
Kit Quinn is a young woman who inhabits dangerous worlds: crime scenes, interrogation scenes, hospitals for the criminally insane.
120 грн./шт.В наличии
When Will There Be Good News? by Kate Atkinson
Three lives come together in unexpected and thrilling ways in Kate Atkinson's When Will There Be Good News?
135 грн./шт.В наличии
Короли и капуста. Новеллы - О.Генри
Новеллы О.Генри (настоящее имя Уильям Сидней Портер) на протяжении вот уже ста лет привлекают читателя добрым юмором, оптимизмом, любовью
150 грн./шт.В наличии
Mrs. Craddock by W. Somerset Maugham
Mrs. Craddock (1902) by Somerset Maugham is the story of Bertha Ley, who marries handsome, older Edward Craddock; however she soon realizes ...
80 грн./шт.В наличии
The Sinister Pig by Tony Hillerman
Sergeant Jim Chee of the Navajo Tribal Police is troubled by the nameless corpse discovered just inside his jurisdiction, ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
The Rhinemann Exchange by Robert Ludlum
David Spaulding is the most feared and efficient Allied agent in wartime Europe. Expert, deadly and professional, he is also high on the Gestapo's ...
80 грн./шт.В наличии
Trevayne by Robert Ludlum
Brilliant, fearless, incorruptible, Andrew Trevayne was a self-made millionaire at thirty-five, former Undersecretary of State, ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Indringers op Drakeneiland - Lydia Rood
In de Roversbaai gaat een poenig zeiljacht voor anker, met acht rijke pubers aan boord. Ze hebben dure spullen die op Drakeneiland verboden zijn, ...
160 грн./шт.В наличии
The Secret Speech by Tom Rob Smith
Former state security officer Leo Demidov is struggling to change as the Soviet Union changes around him. The two young girls he adopted have yet ...
120 грн./шт.В наличии
Buried by Lynda La Plante
(DC Jack Warr #1) The gripping first book in a brand-new thriller series by the Queen of Crime Drama, Lynda La Plante.
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Minding Frankie by Maeve Binchy
Maeve Binchy is back with a tale of joy, heartbreak and hope, about a motherless girl collectively raised by a close-knit Dublin community.
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Вірші. Драматичні поеми - Леся Українка
Contra spem spero: «Без надії сподіваюсь» – цей перефразований Лесею Українкою афоризм цілком можна вважати девізом усього її життя.
180 грн./шт.В наличии
Nelly Dean: A Return to Wuthering Heights by Alison Case
Young Nelly Dean has been Hindley’s closest companion for as long as she can remember, living freely at the great house, Wuthering Heights.
100 грн./шт.В наличии
The Well by Catherine Chanter
From the winner of the Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize, a brilliantly haunting and suspenseful debut set in modern-day Britain where water is running ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии

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