Книги в Керчи
Chocolate Cakes: 50 Great Cakes for Every Occasion by Elinor KlivansThere are enough people out there obsessed with chocolate cake to warrant an official holiday, National Chocolate Cake Day, January 27th. ...
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Liza of Lambeth by W. Somerset MaughamLiza of Lambeth (1897) was W. Somerset Maugham's first novel, which he wrote while working as a doctor at a hospital in Lambeth, then a working ...
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The Trumpet-Major by Thomas HardyHardy distrusted the application of nineteenth-century empiricism to history because he felt it marginalized important human elements. ...
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Dead Eyes by Stuart WoodsFirst there were roses and the notes in her mailbox signed simply, "Admirer." Then, the accident. One minute Chris Callaway was one of Hollywood's ...
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Usmrcení - Louis AragonLouis Aragon popisuje vnitřní konflikt svědomí muže postiženého ideologiemi první poloviny 20. století... Realisticky spisovatel Anthoine zjistí ...
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Pasje utajone - Irving Stone (в 2-х тт.)Biograficzna opowieść o życiu Zygmunta Freuda, austriackiego lekarza, neurologa, znanego powszechnie twórcy psychoanalizy.
120 грн./комплектВ наличии
Dravci - John Ralston SaulRománová prvotina anglického autora je dramatickým příběhem o pátrání mladého novináře po okolnostech smrti jednoho z de Gaullových generálů.
50 грн./шт.В наличии
Pies w studni - Marcin WolskiDlaczego Marcin Wolski napisał tę książkę ?Jak sam mówi: Zdałem sobie sprawę, co drażni mnie w większości amerykańskich produkcji literackich...
70 грн./шт.В наличии
Ett förvridet sinne av Minette WaltersÅr 1970: en ung förståndshandikappad man, Howard Stamp, tar sitt liv i fängelset efter att ha fällts för ett brutalt mord på lösa grunder; offret ...
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Das Delta der Venus von Anaïs Nin"Poetisch und pornographisch, sinnlich und sensibel: ein schamlos schönes Buch!"Henry Miller1940 lebten Anaïs Nin und Henry Miller als Liebespaar ...
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Stockholm modern : en guide till stans design av Sommar, Ingrid & Lindman, Åke E:son & Ulmaja, NinaDen svenska stilen har vid åtskilliga tillfällen under 1900-talets gång framstått som ett föredöme internationellt. Inte minst gäller detta nu,
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Glitter Baby by Susan Elizabeth PhillipsShe's young, sassy, and heartbreakingly innocent. And her sensational career is headed for the stratosphere with a million-dollar movie deal and...
75 грн./шт.В наличии
Francesca's Party by Patricia ScanlanWhen everyone expects you to fall apart, do the unexpected: Get a life.
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Retablo de la pintura moderna. De Manet a Picasso - Juan de la ENCINAEn el presente volumen -RETABLO DE LA PINTURA MODERNA: DE MANET A PICASSO la COLECCIÓN AUSTRAL ofrece la segunda parte del imprescindible estudio ...
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Meet Me Under The Ombu Tree - Santa MontefioreSpoilt, wilful, resourceful and proud, Sofia Solanas grows up on a magnificent ranch in the middle of the Argentine pampas, loved by all around her.
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The Summer Maiden by Dilly CourtThe stunning new novel, the second in the ‘River Maid’ series, from Sunday Times bestseller, Dilly Court
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Origins of Love by Kishwar DesaiIn Delhi a small baby lies alone and abandoned. The product of IVF and surrogacy, she had been so coveted - until she was born with a fatal illness. .
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Ella’s Journey by Lynne FrancisElla is trying to put the past behind her, but the past won’t always stay hidden. ...
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Backpack by Emily BarrIt's New Year's Day and the year isn't kicking off well for Tansy: her mother's dead, she's a cocaine addict and her boyfriend has just left her. ...
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A Bad Man by Stanley Elkin"Sentenced to a year in jail for providing his customers with everything they needed - drugs for the nervous, abortions for the unintending, guns ...
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The Foundling School for Girls by Elizabeth GillFrom the bestselling author of Miss Appleby's Academy and Nobody's Child comes a new series about the lost orphans of Durham and the nuns who take ...
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Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Acts of War by Jeff RovinSyrische terroristen verwoesten een dam in Turkije, waarmee ze de drinkwatervoorziening in hun eigen vaderland in gevaar brengen. ...
55 грн./шт.В наличии
Das große Universal-Lexikon in FarbeDas große Universal-Lexikon ist ein kompaktes Lexikon von A-Z, das schnell und aktuell klare Antworten auf Ihre Fragen gibt: ...
200 грн./шт.В наличии
The Handoff: A Memoir of Two Guys, Sports, and Friendship by John Tournour, Alan EisenstockJohn Tournour, known to his many listeners and fans as JT the Brick, is one of the biggest sports radio personalities in America. ....
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La ligne de sang - DOAMadeleine Castinel est étudiante à Lyon. Elle sort d'une rupture difficile avec son petit ami, Paul Grieux. Depuis le soir du 30 septembre 2003, ...
65 грн./шт.В наличии
Requiem for a Lost Empire by Andreï MakineA nameless, orphaned Russian army doctor is the narrator of Requiem for a Lost Empire, an epic novel that traces three generations of a Russian ...
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Chasing the Monsoon by Alexander FraterThe fascinating and revealing story of Frater's journey through India in pursuit of the astonishing Indian summer monsoon. On 20th May the Indian ...
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A Case of Curiosities by Allen KurzweilIn France, on the eve of the Revolution, a young man named Claude Page sets out to become the most ingenious and daring inventor of his time.
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Southern Cross by Patricia CornwellJudy Hammer has accepted the challenge of Richmond, Virginia's police department to try and reverse the escalating crime statistics in the city. ...
50 грн./шт.В наличии
Unnatural Exposure by Patricia CornwellVirginia Medical Examiner Kay Scarpetta has a bloody puzzle on her hands: five headless, limbless cadavers in Ireland, plus four similar victims ...
60 грн./шт.В наличии
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