Книги в Керчи
The Shape of Snakes by Minette WaltersThis New York Times Notable Book begins on a rainy winter night. It takes hours for a black woman known as Mad Annie to die in the gutter. ...
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The Champion by Elizabeth ChadwickAlexander de Montroi, a knight skilled in love and war, joins his brother Hervi in Normandy. He soon has a passionate night with Monday, a young ...
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Cooking for a Healthy Heart by Octopus Publishing GroupThe right diet can minimize the risk of coronary heart disease - the world's leading cause of death. This recipe book provides a greater ...
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Tell it to the Birdsby James Hadley ChaseГлавный герой Энсон работает страховым агентом. За двенадцать лет службы ему становится известным большинство приемов, к которым...
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La última mujer y el próximo combate - Manuel CofiñoLa última mujer y el próximo combate. La novela se desarrolla en un plan forestal a principios del triunfo de la Revolución en Cuba. ...
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Chains of Command by Dale BrownTwo years after Operation Desert Storm, the problems facing military forces around the world have changed dramatically. In the US, active-duty ...
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The Tinker's Girl by Catherine CooksonIn the 1870s, Jinnie Howlett is offered a position as a maid to the Shalemans at Tollet's Ridge Farm near Cumbria, enabling her to escape ...
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Карманный болгарско-русский словарь М. А. ЛеонидоваКарманный болгарско-русский словарь, составленный М.А.Леонидовой, содержит 10 600 слов и предназначается как для туристов, посещающих Болгарию,
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Популярная грамматика французского языкаЭта книга будет полезна и интересна всем, кто изучает французский язык
125 грн./шт.В наличии
Herr Uhu macht Urlaub von Ulf StarkIm Wald unterrichtet Herr Uhu die kleinen Waldkinder. Die Schule macht Spaß. Aber sie ist auch anstrengend. Darum braucht Herr Uhu Urlaub.
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Die schwarze Spinne - Jeremias GotthelfEine Dorf und eine Invasion von Spinnen....."DIE SCHWARZE SPINNE" ist eine entsetzliche und faszinierende Geschichte über die Angst.
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The International Insult Dictionary: How to Snarl Back in Five Languages Published by James H. HeinemanLists barbed invectives which can be used to lash out at the inconveniences encountered during European travel
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Victor Hugo: Poesies Theatre / Виктор Гюго. Поэзия.ТеатрПриуроченное к 100-летию со дня смерти Виктора Гюго издание включает драмы "Эрнани", "Рюи Блаз", ...
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Сказки - Ханс Кристиан АндерсенДля детей школьного и младшего школьного возраста.
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A Woman's Place by Anne Eliot CromptonEvery fifty years a woman, living in a single New England homestead as wife or daughter, must come to terms with a vital turning ...
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Pronounce It Perfectly In English by Jean YatesA book povides pronuncation exercises that emphasize speaking, sound discrimination, and standard intonation patterns ...
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Gold Cord: The Story of a Fellowship - Amy CarmichaelThe complete story of the Dohnavur Fellowship from its beginning. Shows the loving heart of God at work in thirsting human hearts.
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The Jester by James PattersonReturning home from the Crusades, a disillusioned Hugh discovers that his village has been ransacked and his wife abducted by relic-seeking knights,..
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Светлый источник. Средневековая поэзия Китая, Кореи, ВьетнамаВ поэтическую антологию "Светлый источник" вошли лучшие образцы средневековой любовной, пейзажной, гражданской лирики стран дальневосточного ..
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Město malérů - Ellery QueenV detektivním románě řeší soukromý detektiv záhadnou vraždu v první rodině malého amerického města a objasňuje příběh nešťastné manželské dvojice, ...
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Sbohem, La Jollo - Alain DemouzonKriminální příběh odehrávající se ve Francii. Soukromý detektiv Nicolas Placard pátrá po vrazích jedné dívky. Jistí vysoce postavení lidé mu v tom
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Quicksand by Bryan ForbesA sequel to "A Song at Twilight" and "The Endless Game". Framed for a murder and exiled in Russia as a defector, Alec Hillsden is offered a pardon ...
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Управление в русском языке Розенталь, Д.Э.Словарь-справочник для работников печати.
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Plea of Insanity by Jilliane HoffmanThe prosecutor - Julia Valenciano. Young and ambitious and facing a case that could catapult her career. The defendant - David Marquette. ...
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Школьный русско-чешский словарь Копецкий Л.В.В издание вошел школьный русско-чешский словарь на 30000 слов.
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